Up the May!
Happy Release Day to 'Sound into Light', now available at owllighttrio.bandcamp.com 'Beautifully played, full of tunes to dance to and...

New Album launch
We've already informed our mailing list, but we're delighted to announce that our second album, Sound into Light, is released on 1 May!...

Steph West Trio/Owl Light Trio: Wednesday 20 April, doors 7pm, Quaker Meeting House, Oxford
We're delighted to be playing alongside the Steph West Trio in one of our favourite Oxford venues. Steph is a brilliant harper on a...

ZoomBal with Wod and TradTöchter
5.30pm, Sunday 27 June, ZoomBal with Wod and TradTöchter The wonderful Oxfolk Ceilidhs are putting on an online midsummer fest-noz/bal,...

Towpath Productions video!
Thanks to all those of you who shimmied up and down the towpath with us for our narrowboat gig at the end of May. The event was put on ...